Monday, June 14, 2010
Oke friend I will give you some Trick to change your SATRIA-F became to amazing. Start from the ‘look’ alone. body coloration. With the newest equipment, with the oven system coloration pait Spies Hecker create the look so perfect. Paint colors plus…
Suzuki GSXR 1000R K9
Oke friend this is the caption of Suzuki GSXR 1000R K9 – Ranking 5.Key features: Suzuki votes Mad Max as his Japanese motor! Energy with large steady traksi a mainstay Gixer this. Moreover, during this Gixxer has a top end power and top speed is…
- Motor is Satria – F 150cc CBU Standard 2005 - Knalpot a NOB1 racing Alumunium Muffler Series- Koil a Kitaco Racing - CDInya a Hyperband Brt - Footstep Underbound Yoshimura - Carburettor RX-King - Use the Kitaco Volt Meter (Figure…
Suzuki Spin 125 if the modification was made fun as well. Spin 2007′s owned by Agus Mardiyanto Cipinang, East Jakarta such as this, so disulap low rider. Even though it looks not too extreme, memodifikasinya very difficult to remember the construction…
Oke friend. Have you Suzuki SHOGUN 125? Bored with the look? Modify the following may be you can try. This two Suzuki SHOGUN 125 that have been modified to be co…
Modifikasi Motor Suzuki Shogun 125 Menjadi Satria F
Color on the avoid Kawasaki. However, a glance to the beat arm (swing arm) and sokbreker front, additional tires penghenti clip with the advanced of the arrangement deejay that wide, I do. What motor, possibly? Motornya, Suzuki SHOGUN 125 assembly…
Modification Suzuki Booth ‘Aliean Scooter’
Two ’strange’ automated scooter on Suzuki’s berth on Jakarta Motorcycle Show accept absolutely buried visitors’ attention. The two aberrant scooter, called SD-01 and SD-02, accept different and affected design. There’re alone bound advice about the…
The Cool Triumph Street Triple R
Triumph had a acceptable affair activity aback it apparent the candied Street Triple 675, a pared-down streetfighter adaptation of the admired Daytona 675 sportbike. The Street Triple’s finest affection is its soul-stirring three-cylinder agent that…
Suzuki Satria F 150 Fighter Street Modification
You would not anticipate that a adapted motorcycle belonged to a 55-year-old grandfather. His name Suryana and breeze modif rombakan after-effects are to his satisfaction. Mean, bodies are afterward the actual Jakarta developments and trends modifications….
Modifications Thunder legs 125
Thunder on the swing arm 125 which does not allow wide tires wear my suggestion to find a replacement or cross the appropriate part. Could use a swing arm that the 250 Thunder installation needed adjustments. To remember not too push too wide considering…
Modification Satria FU like Sport Motor
Spirit to modify the vehicle is not the monopoly of the young child, but a spirit which is also owned all the circles and age. This is proved by modifying Suryana Nana Suzuki Satria FU. Might this Satria Sport became more frenzied because of the application…
Black Retro Spin Modification

Modification is done retro spin with a fierce black style and charming black. This motor have a style with raider if use black jacket….
Thunder 125 Modification
2010 Suzuki Thunder 250 blueprint modifications : KALIPER front: Brembo 4 agent Brembo master KALIPER back: Nissin 2 agent Nissin anchor master Front disc: 300 mm Cakarm back: 240 mm Sok fronts: GSXR400 Showa Sok back: Showa Swing-arm: Pro-arm…
MODIFIKASI Suzuki Satria F-150

MODIFIKASI Suzuki Satria F-150
Oke friend this is step to modification Suzuki Satria F-150 2005 (Jakarta) Potong Kaki Ceking. Installation is quite difficult. Good for sokbreker front. And arm swing back. Please make a komstir want to place a time sokbreker.
Latest Luxury YAMAHA GEN RYU Automotive Design
And this YAMAHA GEN RYU automotive design is a High performance Hybrid Motorcycle and based on Yamaha design perfect and latest “G.E.N.I.C.H.” perfect shiny newest electronic manage technologies.
And that is representing various reliable futures just like lightweight, YZF R6 600cc engine, high output and many more so I can say this is designed to present both joy of treatment of a motorbike and relieve. Do you like to have your own stylish YAMAHA GEN RYU automotive design? If yes then here is the fashionable and remarkable design of Modern YAMAHA GEN RYU automotive design. Via
Read More...Thursday, June 3, 2010
Modifikasi Mio body Eropa

Evident when the results of GLP Garapan. Some details are drawn from a Peugeot Ludix, scooter popular in France. Models such as headlamp and the side of the body of millions more elegant obese. According Ardhi Kupret, GLP wing design, the construction is that Mio is thick and enggak cewek banget.

See more body part, so be nice after such a tube chrome. This is a novelty. "If your engine looks cool with a Deltabox. Well, that kind of framework for surrogates "Geri smile while discussing the use of pipes palsunya inch Frame 1 1 / 2 inches long with a 140. How to install is not difficult. Read bound with bolts to the original order. This is to facilitate the unloading pasang.Untuk improve the look of European style, while others participated intact. As a bar, by Geri Yamaha X1R situation even be personalized because your body is less capable and location of the driver. How Aluminium 8 cm in the middle of the screen setang.Pemakaian decides to participate. Here are aware GLP cat Spies Hecker. If too kinclong terkesannya banget said Geri, girly. dilabur Then paint Before candy red body paint just about money. To form the screen of tar, you must use a special type of varnish can cause these effects. Read More...
Suzuki Shogun 110 CC Modification
Modification of Suzuki Shogun 110 cc with the concept of white and minimalist. Complete with custom chrome and discbreak double impact. Read More...
modifications to the engine is to channel the creativity to create and innovate so that it can be done according to what the real cold so teraplikasikan. Djarum Black MOTODIFY 2009, he visited the city of Pekanbaru is the fifth largest city roadshownya also shows a figure like John changes Anga in preparing Satria FU 150 SE. The concepts are formulated by John A6 track bike is eyeing a win in detail, the contribution of motor Satria FU 150 original engine was standard only a slight change in the ignition, the addition of CDI racing and pulling teeth , including the transfer of the housing so that more light when pressed with a maximum force.
A significant external changes are quite complicated, according to John Anga, store owner John Anga Racing Sports (pots) is swingarm and the swingarm rear dibagian where they believe the gravity seemed to give a dose adjusted change her home itself.
Cover Body From Fiber in Yamaha Jupiter MX 135LC
Cover the entire body has been designed to replace paper documents with fine fibers. Review, in order not to be heavy. "The fact, as a small incision and then fixed to gradually form a pattern," said Dana. After the pattern is formed, then the printing process actually performed. Therefore, if you look in detail, the front had become a big bike. The main lights had moved into the chest where the front. Lamp chosen by Suzuki GSX600 because they rarely adopted.
Another interesting thing, the dual exhaust system design adds muscular rear with one arm models. Who would have thought the change by phone can be cool. In line with the ambition of Ino and Rizal, this line would change in the region.
Roman armor and armor used by British commanders have inspired DETO Ardiansyah. Honda Vario a victim of the mind. Since changes may be influenced by more powerful competitors, men, Malang, East Java, skutiknya becomes extreme. Since the armor modifnya concept, means must be downloaded couples. "It means, however extreme, the original frame is still there," says the young entrepreneur. If you can see every side of this form symbolizes the hero's arms. Like the cover, the original bulb. The most striking back. Model is like a spiral. "I am more behind this, and can take people's attention. Something really different," proud father of this child. A significant number of curves of the fiber. Stresses narrowing the angle and curve, selected from one of the silver dots and blacks. Read More...
2003 Suzuki Raider
KOMPAS.com - No more powerful features of the 2003 Suzuki Raider. From front to back, this bike has completely changed. In contrast, the results so far, with some elements of the evolution of technology. As the tank lid can be opened with condoms keys, which one is a teroboson. At least, a breakthrough in the changes Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Changes in Home Irfandi Pontianak 2XP "Ecuador City" made a bold move. Consider the seat mounted on the house of the original exhaust Ducati 969. Meanwhile, the small distance with the wheels still empty. "In fact, the design has not been able to adapt," said Irfandi.
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